
Whatever you sell, your customer expects to be able to order online. We develop webshops including integrated payment options via iDeal, PayPal, Google Pay and Apple Pay. Integration of parcel delivery and accounting is also possible.


SpotOn Webdesign creates striking and attractive websites. Sites optimized for smartphone use. But also work perfectly on tablet and laptop. And through a perfect Search Engine Optimization your site is always found quickly!


SpotOn Webdesign also offers you hosting packages. Including backup, technical maintenance and email (under your own domain name) on fast, secure and very reliable Dutch servers.


Don't feel like, don't have the time or knowledge to maintain your website yourself? We will gladly take the technical and content maintenance of your website, web shop or portal completely off your hands.

SpotOn Webdesign builds and maintains sites, shops and portals

  • Striking
  • Responsive
  • Easy to find

Websites that stand out and have good SEO, which means they are easy to find via Google, Bing and other search engines.

By using Joomla or Wordpress, the sites are also easy to maintain by the 'layman'

Many of our projects are a collaboration in which the customer supplies parts of the site (such as texts and photos) and which we then process.

Explanation and training are part of our work so that you can - if desired - change texts and parts yourself after delivery of the site.

Hosting and domain name registration

  • Fast and reliable servers in the Netherlands
  • Secure
  • Own email addresses

A website is one thing, but it also has to be 'hosted' somewhere on a server and it has to have a nice domain name.Of course, you can organize this yourself, but if you prefer one-stop shopping, we offer both hosting packages and domain name registration.


  • Extensive options
  • Easy to manage
  • Various integrated payment options

Do you have plans to offer products or services via the internet? We are happy to develop an attractive website for you.


  • Technical maintenance such as updates and upgrades
  • Content maintenance such as text and photo processing
  • Changing and installing templates and components

Developments on the internet are moving very fast. Unfortunately, this also means that your website needs to be updated regularly.

SpotOn Webdesign provides this maintenance. Both ad hoc and on a contract basis.

The taste of the pudding is in the eating...

Check out some of our current projects


Casas Fruta rentals

Joomla website. Tri-lingual. Search Engine Optimised https://casas-fruta.eu


Iris Glass Art

Colorfull onepager made in Joomla. Search Engine Optimised https://irisglass.art


Silver Coast Glamping Portugal

Accommodation site including booking calendar. Tri-lingual. Joomla CMS. Search Engine Optimised https://silvercoastglamping.eu


Costa de Prata info

Large informative Joomla site. Bilingual. Google ads integration. Search Engine Optimised https://costadeprata.info


Dutch Metal Design

Bilingual webshop. Joomla using J2 store component. Search Engine Optimised https://dutchmetaldesign.com


Logcabins Portugal

Large webshop. Joomla CMS including J2store component. Search Engine Optimised https://logcabins-portugal.com


SC Properties Portugal

Real Estate website. Made in Joomla. Bilingual. Search Engine Optimised https://scpropertieportugal.com


Queijo do Campo

Large webshop. Tri-lingual. Wordpress CMS using Woocommerce. International and local payment gateways. Shipment integration (CTT). Accounting software integration. Search Engine Optimised https://queijodocampo.pt



Real Estate and building management. Tri-langual site made in Wordpress. Search Engine Optimised https://smarthomes.pt


Glamping Portugal

Atractive Joomla onepager. Search Engine Optimised https://glampingportugal.eu


Karolien van Eck

Interesting template. Joomla. Bilingual. Search Engine Optimised https://kariolienvaneck.com


Quinta Ninho D'aguila

Stylish website. Joomla CMS. Trilingual. Instagram component. Search Engine Optimised https://quintaninhodaguia.com/



Stylish restaurant website made in Wordpress as CMS: Including menu link. Trilingual. Search Engine Optimised https://butenpleats.nl


Boavista Villas

Real estate site. Joomla CMS. Search Engine Optimised. https://boavista.vilas


Silver Cost Walks

Wordpress site. https://silvercoastwalks.com


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